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This playbook is designed to run Automations against GLPI. The intented usage is for a workflow wherein you create a ticket (optionally with template), create a ticket task with the notes/details of the automation and then close the ticket after recording time and marking the ticket task as closed.
If this playbook is used with AWX / Ansible Automation Platform, artifacts are set with ticket and task creation used at the start of the workflow and the closing of the ticket at the end. As artifacts are set the workflow will pass these to each node of the flow.

Playbook AWX / Ansible Automation Platform Template Import

This playbook includes the AWX feature where it imports the playbook as job templates in to AWX / Ansible Automation Platform. The following job templates that will be created:

  • ITIL/GLPI/Plugin/FormCreator/Delete/Form_Answer Delete the specified form answer from the GLPI Plugin formcreator.

  • ITIL/GLPI/Plugin/FormCreator/to_JSON_Object Fetch a Form Creator Plugin formcreator.

  • ITIL/GLPI/Ticket/Assign/Error Assigns the ticket to the specified user on error.

  • ITIL/GLPI/Ticket/Close Close a ticket in GLPI

  • ITIL/GLPI/Ticket/Create Create a ticket in GLPI

  • ITIL/GLPI/Ticket/Task/Create Create a ticket task

  • ITIL/GLPI/Ticket/Template/From_ITIL_Category Provide an ITIL Category and this play will fetch and generate the ticket template.

On import to AWX / Ansible Automation Platform a credential type will also be created, playbook/glpi/api that can be used to supply the required secrets and glpi FQDN.

Plugin - FormCreator Form to JSON Object

  • Job tag is plugin_form_fetch_json

This task fetches a single form only that has the lowest ID. The intent is that after you have processed the form it is deleted.

This play utilizes the following variables.

nfc_pb_glpi_form_to_ticket: false        # Optional, boolean. Used to Create the variables required to create a ticket
                                         # with the form added to a ticket task in JSON format
nfc_pb_glpi_ticket_task_category: 0      # Mandatory*, integer. Only Mandatory if `nfc_pb_glpi_form_to_ticket=false. otherwise Optional`
                                         # This value is the ITIL Task Category from GLPI.
nfc_pb_glpi_no_log_sensitive_data: true  # Optional, boolean. used to turn `no_log` on/off for logging sensitive data
                                         # NOTE: Sensitive data will be logged. i.e. user and app token.

Within the playbook, this task runs first. This is by design so that a ticket forms can be gathered and in the same play have the ticket created with the form data saved within a ticket task.


If you wish to create the ticket and fetch the form ensure job tags plugin_form_fetch_json ticket_template_from_itil_category ticket_create ticket_task_create plugin_form_delete_answer are set and no other variables outside of this task.

Specifying the variables for the below tasks for creating a ticket and ticket task, the details from the form will not be used.

Prior to the play completing the following artifact/stats are set:

  "nfc_pb_glpi": {
      "approval": {},         // dict. generated if the form has approval configured.
  // The variables below this line are only created if variable 'nfc_pb_glpi_form_to_ticket=true'
  "nfc_pb_glpi_itil_category": 0,
  "nfc_pb_glpi_ticket_create": {},
  "nfc_pb_glpi_ticket_task_create": {},
  "nfc_pb_glpi_ticket_type": "request"

Ticket Template From ITIL Category

  • Job tag is ticket_template_from_itil_category

This play utilizes the following variables.

nfc_pb_glpi_host: glpi.hostname.tld      # Mandatory, string. FQDN that forms part of the url. Don't specify http|https.
nfc_pb_glpi_app_token: ''                # Mandatory, string. application token as generated from GLPI.
nfc_pb_glpi_user_token: ''               # Mandatory, string. user token as generated from GLPI.
nfc_pb_glpi_itil_category: 4             # Mandatory, integer. The ITIL Category to use from GLPI.
nfc_pb_glpi_ticket_type: request         # Mandatory, string. Choice incident|request
nfc_pb_glpi_no_log_sensitive_data: true  # Optional, boolean. used to turn `no_log` on/off for logging sensitive data
                                         # NOTE: Sensitive data will be logged. i.e. user and app token.

Prior to the play completing the following artifact/stats are set:

  "nfc_pb_glpi": {
      "template": {},         // dict. generated ticket template in the same format as would be used to send to the GLPI API 
      "mandatory_fields": []  // list. field names that are set as required from the ticket template.

Create Ticket

  • Job tag is ticket_create


Aditionally you can specify tag ticket_template_from_itil_category to collect the ticket template from the ITIL category which will be used to create the ticket.

This play utilizes the following variables.

nfc_pb_glpi_host: glpi.hostname.tld      # Mandatory, string. FQDN that forms part of the url. Don't specify http|https.
nfc_pb_awx_hostname: host.domain.tld     # Optional, String. FQDN of the awx host. used to build job url for ticket description.
nfc_pb_glpi_app_token: ''                # Mandatory, string. application token as generated from GLPI.
nfc_pb_glpi_user_token: ''               # Mandatory, string. user token as generated from GLPI.
nfc_pb_glpi_ticket_create:               # Mandatory, dict. The ticket body in API Format.
  name: ""                               # Mandatory, string. Title of the ticket. If using ticket template will be appended to existing.
  content: ""                            # Mandatory, string. The ticket description. If using ticket template will be appended to existing.
  entities_id: 0                         # Mandatory, integer. entities ID for ticket to be created in.
  type: 1                                # Mandatory, choice. 1=incident|2=Request
  itilcategories_id: 0                   # Mandatory*, integer. the ticket category. ONLY mandatory for create
nfc_pb_glpi_no_log_sensitive_data: true  # Optional, boolean. used to turn `no_log` on/off for logging sensitive data
                                         # NOTE: Sensitive data will be logged. i.e. user and app token.
nfc_pb_glpi_assign_ticket: true          # Optional, boolean. Default=true. Assign the ticket to the API user.
nfc_pb_glpi_ticket_assign_error_user: 0  # Optional, integer. Default= Not specified. Assign the ticket to the specified user on error.

Prior to the play completing the following artifact/stats are set:

  "nfc_pb_glpi": {
      "assembled": {},   // dict. Assembled ticket in API format
      "create": {},      // dict. contents of 'nfc_pb_glpi_ticket_create' variable
      "items_id": []     // list. List of items to be assosiated to a tickeck on creation in API format

If there is an error during the play and artifact variable nfc_automation.error is updated to integer 1, when this playbook next runs, on the proviso that there is an existing ticket, the ticket will be assigned to the user in variable nfc_pb_glpi_ticket_assign_error_user.


Using the ticket assignment on error as a node within an AWX / Ansible Automation Platform workflow can be done by simply specifying job_tags: always and variable nfc_pb_glpi_ticket_assign_error_user: {glpi_user_id}. This node could then be used as a path from any node on error to notify the user.

Create Ticket Task

  • Job tag is ticket_task_create


Aditionally you can specify tags ticket_template_from_itil_category and ticket_createto collect the ticket template from the ITIL category which will be used to create the ticket, with the ticket task being created as the last step.

This play utilizes the following variables.

nfc_pb_glpi_host: glpi.hostname.tld      # Mandatory, string. FQDN that forms part of the url. Don't specify http|https.
nfc_pb_glpi_app_token: ''                # Mandatory, string. application token as generated from GLPI.
nfc_pb_glpi_user_token: ''               # Mandatory, string. user token as generated from GLPI.
nfc_pb_glpi_ticket_task_create:          # Mandatory, dict. The ticket task body in API Format.
  id: 1                                  # Optional, integer. if specified will update the task. NOTE: the tickets_id must be specified
  taskcategories_id: 1                   # Mandatory, integer. task ITIL Category (ONLY Mandatory for create)
  tickets_id: 64                         # Optional, integer. Only required if not creating a ticket first. Mandatory if 'id' specified
  content: ""                           # Mandatory, string. The content of the ticket task.
  state: 1                               # Optional, choice. 0=Information|1=todo|2=Done.
  actiontime: 0                          # Optional, integer. time in seconds for task duration
  is_private: 0                          # Optional, choice 0=public|1=private
  users_id_tech: 0                       # Optional, integer. the user id of the person to assign the task.
nfc_pb_glpi_no_log_sensitive_data: true  # Optional, boolean. used to turn `no_log` on/off for logging sensitive data
                                         # NOTE: Sensitive data will be logged. i.e. user and app token.

Prior to the play completing the following artifact/stats are set:

  "nfc_pb_glpi": {
      "task": {}    // dict. ticket task in API format

Plugin - Delete FormCreator Form

  • Job tag is plugin_form_delete_answer

This Deletes a form answer from the GLPI Plugin Form Creator. Within the playbook, this task is placed to run before ticket close/solve and can safely be ran with the other tasks as listed above.

This play utilizes the following variables.

nfc_pb_glpi_plugin_formcreator_delete_id: 0  # Mandatory*, integer or list of integer. ID of the form answers to delete. Only required if task ran alone.
                                             # Note: This var takes precedence over artifact 'nfc_pb_glpi.plugins.form_creator.answer_id'
nfc_pb_glpi_no_log_sensitive_data: true      # Optional, boolean. used to turn `no_log` on/off for logging sensitive data
                                             # NOTE: Sensitive data will be logged. i.e. user and app token.


If you wish to delete multiple forms you can by setting variable nfc_pb_glpi_plugin_formcreator_delete_id as a JSON list. i.e.

nfc_pb_glpi_plugin_formcreator_delete_id: [1,2,3]

Closing the Ticket

  • Job tag is ticket_close

This task is completely automagic. The artifacts from the ticket and task creation runs are used for the wizardry to close the ticket and ticket task if it exists. The Automation time is added to the ticket task as well.


This page forms part of our Project GLPI Ansible Collection.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2023-12-11
Date Edited: 2024-04-26


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